Embodiment Soul Session

In this 1 hour Intuitive & Somatic ExperiencingSession,

We will be learning the language of the body — sensations.

We do this because the body remembers. More and more research comes out implying that The Body Keeps the Score.

Meaning, when emotions are unable to be processed, they can get stuck in the body (in the muscles, fascia, nervous system and/or aura).

When this happens, you can experience mental looping, self sabotage, repeating patterns you don’t want, physical numbness, burnout, "mind wipes" - where you go completely blank on what you were going to do or say, overintellectualizing, never quite feeling safe or able to slow down, etc. etc.

You can even experience physical manifestations if held in the body for long enough.

By relating to the body and becoming aware of the body’s sensations in a safe way, the body can begin to unwind and process that stuck energy. We can move through pattern, looping, and stuck sensation to get to the other side of it. You gain greater awareness, compassion, and mastery internally & externally.

When you safely release stuck life force energy, it gives you a larger capacity and sense that you can deal with whatever is happening in your life.

In the session, I will lead you through a guided meditation and then we will move into practices to drop into the body to notice, process, and metabolize the energy ready to be released.

By the end of this session, you will feel more open, grounded, safe, calm, joyful, ready and capable.